Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Force 1: Gravitational Force

You experience gravitational force everyday, but what actually causes this force? Believe it or not, even scientists are not completely sure of where gravity comes from, inspite of their theories.

Sir Issac Newton was the man who was able to present with valid information that gravity is a universal force that applies to small things near the earth's surface.

For example:
An apple falls from a tree because it is attracted to the earth.
The moon stays in it's orbit around the earth because gravity attracts it to the earth.

These examples tell you a few different things:

  • All objects with mass are attracted to one another by gravitational force.
  • The gravitational force between two masses is directly proportional to the mass of each object. 
  • The gravitational force between two masses is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects. 

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